The Devil and John Berryman

At least Walker backs up his anti-education talk by being an uneducated moron. Anyone with an Ivy League degree that acts like learning is an endeavor for for those lazy, elitist lie-berals can get fucked.

I agree that Stewart has built up some benefit of the doubt, and we shouldn't rush to judgement after hearing one side of the story. But taken at face value, this is awful, and we really shouldn't be stumbling over ourselves to defend these actions just because he's a white liberal hero. If this was about Bill-o we'd

"Fuck off" - Jon Stewart

I think it has to do with the collaborative nature of film versus music/stand-up. You can put up some walls of cognitive dissonance with a director you don't like because the script/acting/cinematography/ect can be so good that the scum bag director is just one part of the equation. When you're hearing the work of a

Who would actively champion DFW? What a pain in the ass airport that is.

Few things in life make me sadder than hearing the reaction to trailers in a theater.

He's been through enough!

Thanks Obama.

"Stewart BLASTS Obama on States' Rights!"

Yep, I'd much rather have rich people lounging around their estate all day with nothing to do but ponder ways to keep their unearned money. How dare she try to do something with herself. It's the same reason I hate Miles Davis and Steph Curry.

take logan V out of that triangle and you got me on board!

I like it being earlier in the week, because it gives me a chance to listen to it streaming first, then I can decide if I want to spend my paycheck money on it come Friday. Now it's too condensed and I'll have blown through my money on booze before I ever have a chance to listen to it first.

Are all of the pizzas shaped like Glen Beck at the Blaze?

I heard a guy on the news a few nights ago say he flew the confederate flag to celebrate Southern Hospitality and sweat tea. You're trying really hard to come up with a non-racist reason to fly your symbol of racism when it's down to representing sweet tea.

But they don't usually steal the ideas and titles from the shitty clickbait links advertised at the bottom of the page.

Never say never, but we usually pick much blander evil for our leaders, not the ones that proudly shout to the world how fucking insane they are.

No, we openly hate Canadians.

You are completely right. My mom is going through a rough patch right now, and is likely going to need to declare bankruptcy. This slide into economic ruin just happened to correspond with a decent into conspiracy theory madness. When she asked for help the other day to create a resume I was so excited that she was

It's not meant to be victim blaming. The point is no one seems that concerned about all the young boys that are hanging around our men's room, so I just find it curious that now is the time we make our stand against the predators in the next stall. Since you didn't mention otherwise, I'll assume that your neighborhood

Maybe don't let little kids hangout in bathrooms alone? Seems pretty easy to me.