Blunderous Afternoon

Also excellent was the fact that around the same time this episode aired, the actor who played Wade was also appearing in a national "Just For Men" hair dye commercial…

The BBC have laid a massive egg of solid fuck.

Was William Forward the only actor playing a Centauri who seemed to consciously mimic Jurasik's made-up Londo accent?

I used to be a dramaturg. Smash knows nothing of dramaturgy. I would take the apartment, though.

And to think that Walter Koenig was initially offered the role of Knight Two in this ep. I'm sure he would have been great, but we would have been denied so much amazing Bester…

And to think that Walter Koenig was initially offered the role of Knight Two in this ep. I'm sure he would have been great, but we would have been denied so much amazing Bester…

Zog? Zog what? Zog yes? Zog no?

Zog? Zog what? Zog yes? Zog no?

How will we ever find out what Ray and Tanya did with all those cows????

Ah the Duras sisters. Like a boob window into my childhood…

I have this theory that Glee would be much, much more enjoyable if the actors read each line as if they were as surprised by its contents as we are.  I simulate this by imagining that each line ends in the word "… apparently."  Thusly:

Bionic Five? Wasn't it The Bionic Six?? Are we forgetting Sport-1?

Wait, Starz is making a show about Obama?