
Dome and Gloom … the situation is bad and not likely to improve.

Dome is where the heart is, Dome is so remote
Dome is just emotion sticking in my throat

Peter Gabriel's Red Rain fits the bill !

Dome, Dome on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day

and Mayor Rob Ford.

You mean seven black albinos ?

Quentin just wants to play thumbsies with Jay using their chins.

and upchucking.
Think of the barf scene in Stand By Me.

I was on the edge of seat the whole episode. Five more to go .
24 … How I learned to stop worrying, and Love the Bomb.

American Horror story siSTers

He looks like Martin Short in the SNL synchronized swimming short with Harry Shearer from the 80's. Too funny !

Chilton is just your average run of the mill, but flashy, snake oil salesman, now with a hole in his face.
Fuller has to bring him back.

I like the story that he lied about his age, (he was 14) to land the role of crewman Clean in Apocalypse Now.
He told Coppola that he was 16, and regards the movie as his training ground.

I guess you have never seen the movie Death In Venice.
Laurence Fishburne also played Othello in the 1995 movie, which is a nice wink to the aria choice.

Laurence Fishburne played Othello in the 1995 movie.

Abigail is missing an ear and presumed dead.
Margot is Mason Verger's sister, and almost baby momma.

It was a Crying Baby/Pig Squealing Analyzer, just in case Uncle Mason got any funny ideas.
Baby tears make the best virgin martinis, unfortunately.

Why are you assuming that the unborn child was a son ?
It is too early in the pregnancy to tell the sex.

It is Beverley's leg … bait and switch.

Did anyone else notice the little antler ornaments on Hannibal's Christmas tree ?