I had not seen this before. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing it to my attention.
I had not seen this before. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing it to my attention.
What is this…
A Heroes voice acting reunion?
You hipsters
Can't appreciate the joys of Gollum Karaoke. Just accept it for being awesome, which it is.
I'm completely confused why so few people have seen X-Men. Like eh, I thought it was far better than average and a strong enough light that this summer can't completely suck.
Oh no.
The comic book dorks like it: http://www.comicsalliance.c…
A worse scenario than this flopping is this doing as Fantastic Four did— despite the reviews, everyone saw it and it made money. This lead to an even more craptastic sequel.
I think there's a lot that could be done with American Gods— it's the only book Gaiman wrote a sequel to, after all. And judging by "Neverwhere" and "Doctor Who", Gaiman will likely script some episodes.
I love The Smartest Man— he has great anecdotes and his anger at things gives a lot of emotion to the whole proceedings. I thought this week was one of his weaker shows, but it was still pretty great.
This makes me sad
It's easy to think that those that follow any party completely and repeat all their talking points just doesn't have the education to think differently. I get how a hillbilly thinks homosexuality is a sin and Obama is taken away their guns. But Mamet is a demonstratively intelligent guy— why is he…
I saw the trailer last weekend and thought until a good 3/4s of the way through that it was for Transformers 3. It's ridiculous.
I felt the need to seek out their Facebook page to tell them how wrong they are about Superman Returns. It is justifiably savaged.
pencil necked weasel
Wow. The misogyny and fat shaming going on in these comments makes me cry for humanity. Seriously, did the trolls just come out in full force?
I liked the evolution segments, but the space part was terrible. I really wish they had capitalized on the earlier parts of the game, because there's no replay value the way it is now.
I got hooked on Trade Nations, so I feel your pain. Why do I even care about the stupid people and whether I have a fort or not? But they're so cute…
Bugle! Bugle! Bugle!
This post may be 3 years old
But since I just started watching X-Files from the beginning, I wanted to comment anyway. I never saw this series, not even a second of it, if I'm remembering correctly. I was very aware of it, however, and do remember the Scully/Mulder rip-offs from the Canadian CGI series "Reboot."
The Incredibles is Randian? How? [honestly curious]
Mossillini? Marks? Stallin?
Proops has his "smartest man in the world" podcast, if you're interested.