
You really think this is going to help? You really think more hate is going to change these peoples' minds? People like you are exactly why the left lost. You buy into the hate propaganda of the left, and respond with more hate propaganda when you don't get exactly what you want. And then you wonder why half the

Edit: Yeah, you might wanna rethink that one. We've got enough miserable kids in broken homes on this planet. No need for you to add another.

Eh, Rabin's writing was always a little too pretentious for my tastes.  The rest I'll miss though.

None of the Thor pairings are rated nearly high enough.  It seems not enough people appreciate strong, handsome, blond Viking men with six pack abs and a vaguely European accent carrying huge hammers…..

@avclub-ffdf9e46752971c63a4c33e8e9b3ae98:disqus  He does have a point.   Most modern religious conservatives that love to spout about what the founding fathers wanted miss the irony that most of them were deists, which as I understand is one step above agnosticism on the "not too crazy about religion" ladder. 

Sam and Fiona - Burn Notice
Jack, Sloane and Irina - Alias
Walter - Fringe
Hiro - Heroes
Denny and Alan - Boston Legal
Zim and Gir - Invader Zim
Spike - Cowboy Bebop
Castle - Castle (Nathan Fillion is the only reason I don't immediately walk out of the room when my mom is watching that show)

Not only am I gay and don't like Madonna OR Lady Gaga, I also like heavy metal.

After reading this whole exchange, I'm still not sure what you're all arguing about or why it matters.  Enjoy the damn show however the hell you want.  The world will not end because you didn't enjoy it the "right" way - assuming there even is such a thing, which seems pretty ridiculous to begin with.   

Well music is one of those things where people can pretend that there's logic and "decent arguments" behind why we like and don't like different things (music "critics" make a living off of that delusion), but it really is entirely subjective.