
Uhhh..maybe I'm wrong but thought the message was clear: photographer's wife went to Paris with HIM. She felt guilty after what he said to her..she felt obligated to stand by him.

satisfaction can be measured
Since I haven't been this satisfied w/ a finale since every season of The Sopranos, The Closer, Mad Men or the first four of Six Feet Under, I have something to compare this series to. To be able to get me to CARE about the lives of these characters - even ones I loathe (back-whipping fed

agree completely with Todd
It's gotten old. The not tying in the storylines of each season well just shows crap writing. Also: the skeletal figure of actress playing Deb is frightfully unappealing at best. Her eyes are so buggy it's distracting and the obvious weight loss of actor playing Quinn is odd for the writers

Why you threw out that random "gay" (negative) comment is bizarre.

Thank you, Andrew! That's my other major complaint about this stupid ass-backwards show: the females are written like pathetic, 1950's helpless dolts! Even Mad Men has stronger & more realistic female characters. Hey..didn't the writers ever watch SURVIVAL? Yes, people..females CAN make plans and kick ass. Wake up

it lost me early on
I was psyched about this show but gave up by the third episode. The unreality of the main character, Rick, not asking the simple question (and getting the answer) as to WTF happened..how this tragic epidemic occurred..is just too stupid for words. Why anyone would continue to care about this