
Seriously. I expected Boy Meets World to take up at least a third of this interview.

This show is starting to remind me of Burn Notice, my enjoyment of which was eventually eclipsed by my inability to take the main conceit of the show seriously as they stretched it out farther than it was ever intended to go. And Michael Westen's pursuit of his old job though the deaths of an endless inverse Russian

Seems a bit out there, but I respect everybody involved for having the balls to try something so different.

I was about throw a bitch fit as the episode was ending because I thought the show was going to blue balls me AGAIN and then the last scene happened and I was right back on board in about two seconds. Props.

Topanga did not stop being super smart. She was valedictorian of John Adams High. She got into Yale but went to Pennbrook to be with Cory. In the series finale the four main characters move to New York only because she gets a job there at a prestigious law firm.

This is like an open bar full of top shelf liquor. I feel obligated to indulge myself to the point I'm not even enjoying it anymore, and the fact that I know it's going to happen is preemptively stifling my future enjoyment.

It's oddly pleasing to watch Sherlock support Watson like a friend as their relationship progresses. I'm so used to Smart Assholish TV Characters just staying the same old assholes forever that Sherlock being all "I like you let's be partners k" is refreshing. A worse TV show would've made the whole situation

They should've given the previous nine Top Chef winners a collective vote in place of Padma's.

Bourdain being neutered is sad, but you could see it coming in Medium Raw. He pretty much admitted that he didn't have the energy to be That Angry Guy anymore. Seems like his daughter was the catalyst for it so I can't really blame him for chilling out and reaching for paychecks.


I can't be the only one who was praying the show would pull the trigger on Spectre/Litt. Louis gets betrayed by Nigel and is sacked, Harvey is disgusted with the merger and finds a way to get out of his contract, Mike goes to law school for real, Rachel goes to a non-Harvard school.

Mike Tyson saying "I could just eat you up!" made the whole episode. The rest is irrelevant.

1. If fighting cases in seven districts cripples Pearson Hardman, a giant law firm, why does it not do the same to the opposing counsel comprised of one old dude.

I think the legacy of this show will be providing definitive proof that even talented professional chefs will have no idea what's in their mouths unless it's been described in exacting detail to them first.

I feel like this episode would have worked if they just gave more indication that Mike was still out of his mind emotionally because of his grandmother's death. I mean, it's been like a week for him, right?

Not that the show shouldn't have ended three years ago or anything, but I'm gonna go ahead and give the writers the benefit of the doubt when it comes to Ted meeting the mom. As much as they've coasted through good chunks of seasons, the show never lost the ability to surprise me when it counts.

If we're lucky this will all result in Rachel turning to the dark side and becoming the Louis to Mike's Harvey.

If we're lucky this will all result in Rachel turning to the dark side and becoming the Louis to Mike's Harvey.

The impending vote is the obvious major storyline heading into next week, but the final scene of this episode makes me think that next week's episode may make a definitive statement on Harvey and Mike's relationship. There are parallels between Mike getting the news that his grandmother has died and Harvey learning

The impending vote is the obvious major storyline heading into next week, but the final scene of this episode makes me think that next week's episode may make a definitive statement on Harvey and Mike's relationship. There are parallels between Mike getting the news that his grandmother has died and Harvey learning