Acid Police

That is true to an extent, but if you parse the majority of any of those boy band lyrics, the subtext becomes pretty clear: in hindsight, so many of those songs are covertly about fucking. South Park handled that weird dichotomy really well in the episode about The Jonas Brothers. So that "total dog" vibe you describe

I get why it's popular, I just find it to be completely disingenuous. But I guess that's what I get for trying to engage in something other than insults and general negativity on whatever this site has become lately. Sigh.

This is my problem with Taylor Swift: it's incredible to me that even though she's dated so many famous dudes, is one of the most easily recognizable global superstars in an age where easily recognizable global superstars are truly few and far between, and is a tall, skinny blonde…somehow at this point in her career,

I didn't start drinking until I was in college, because I saw it as an unnecessary distraction from all the weed I was smoking in high school. So I didn't really know how to pace myself, plus I'm a husky Irish dude, so it takes a lot to get me really bombed. So one night during second semester of my freshman year, I'm

One time I saw a black kid wearing a Burzum shirt, which I thought was awesome, because Varg really deserves the accompanying heart attack he would get if he knew about it.

I love Woody Allen's films, but his ideas on acceptable romantic partners circa 1992 I'm not so crazy about.

Actually he was the stepson of Richard Jenkins in Step Brothers, the film that dared us to believe Adam Scott and Will Ferrell came from the same parents.

Of course, who can forget the saddest and most baffling Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction speech of all time? http://www.youtube.com/watc…

I guess he just wasn't made for these times.

There are moments in the pilot where Gale from Breaking Bad (playing Internal Affairs investigator "Tightwad McBureaucrat") seriously seems to be purposely rushing through his lines out of sheer embarrassment over the fountain of cliches they've written for him.

You just summed up the show better than any of us could've hoped to.

I watched this to get to the Breaking Bad teaser, and holy crap, I can't believe this is supposed to be a serious drama. Either they're intentionally playing up every "hard boiled cop with a dark past" show cliche to get laughs, or their writing staff consists entirely of 16 and 17 year old boys who just saw The

Yeah, but at least we got some unintentionally hilarious stuff like Officer Baldy McDarkpast going up to the roof in the middle of the day to think about some lady while looking at a locket, then throw up for no reason, then throw the locket in the toilet for no reason. That's high comedy right there.

Everyone here is acting up a storm. I'm surprised they didn't start reading the scripted directions at certain points.

Poots on newts! Poots on newts!

And they may as well have just named his character "Tightwad McBureaucrat" for all the thought that seems to have gone into that show.

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus : BARN DOOR OPEN.

I also thought of the scene when Hank wanted Walt to put the tracking device on Gus' car, and Gus just goes "Do it." Chilling stuff.

I think it's gotta be the latter as well, in the cold open at Denny's he was hacking and coughing something awful.

It's about time they set a show in Generic 90s Copville