
Eccleston's still my favorite, but I liked Tennant quite a lot. Even so, I think in purely Whovian terms, Smith might be the best yet in the new series. I do find it a bit spoiled by Amy ("Shoutypouty" is her nickname in another venue, and I find it apt), and also by, in my view, Karen Gillan's thoroughly

"Give him a break, he's been mostly dead all day."

"Steven Moffat has said in several interviews that it IS the Doctor and he IS dead."

Though I like River myself, I think the criticisms here are valid. I've also more than once found it annoying when she's directed (I'm guessing, here, that it's a matter of direction, as Kingston is such a superb natural actress) to turn "smug" up to 11, and I agree that the show has done too much telling and not

Oh and I did see the film. Despite its failings, I think the show is rather better. An unusual turn of events. It's like those rare instances in which the film is better than the book. Hardly ever happens, but, once in a while…

"Sepinwall's commenters have a different take on the show than the AV Club readers and TVDW. "

Of course Krieger is a Rush fan. Of course he is.

I also would totally love either a Krieger-centric episode, or, maybe better, an episode from Krieger's point of view.

Count me in on the "I was actually saddened" bandwagon… I'm not sure Archer deserved her (well, of course he didn't), but I liked Katya. I wanted her to have what she wanted.

Yeah, and then the commercials are freaking SCREAMING by comparison (I don't have DVR, so, gotta just mute 'em). FX has always been like that and it drives me nuts.

Speaking of fixing the house, it was really bugging me this week how Crosby was treating Joel. Dude… he's doing you a massive favor, here. Act like you know that!

I couldn't resist Googling this, and that's right… the full line in Angela's voice-over is, "My dad and I used to be pretty tight. The sad truth is, my breasts have come between us."

Random Observations
Kind of loved the crazy Case of the Week, mainly because it was crazy… but I kept mentally seeing it populated by Family Guy characters, rather than live-action. The dialogue at any given time would've worked for one of their random clips. In my opinion, of course.