
Bill Hicks would produce his long-form birth certificate immediately upon request by anyone.

Genuinely envious in one way:
I have some musical talent, but I can't even make myself write and sing a song for fun because I think they all sound stupid. I'll take some of your misguided hubris.

I am an OU fan, and as such I love Barry Switzer. But I can't defend him.

A few things:
Yeah, that sucked, even though as a freshman in college in 1996, I loved both Tupac and Mike Tyson.

50 states
Fuck The National. Make the fucking OKLAHOMA record already!!!

Yeah, I guess I was excited enough about Betty White and now Carol Burnett that I kind of forgot the logical Facebook progression.

Any suit against Family Guy is a totally sensible thing and is totally exclusive of the Petitioner's sense of humor. Unless it means the Petitioner has a sense of humor, which it does.

Facebook sucks
Yet, it is better at picking SNL hosts than SNL.

When Ize Liddole
My fathers the gradest sammmri in the empyure.

Creative, industrious minds
If Blockbuster doesn't go bankrupt, something has to give. How would they change their business model? Only Twilight DVDs and Bluerays? Only McDonald's movie kiosks? Changing from their prude drug-testing and no-directors-cut ways to only doublestuff porn?

The FeldmanHaim Show
Am I wrong or over-simplifying in thinking that a lot of people got paid from a show where a central, driving element was Corey Haim's life-sucking addiction and then left him twisting in the wind here?

Yeah! Outrage! How would you "reveal" a pregnancy in authentic Na'vi shit? With an eye for authenticity? And you know you have to keep an eye for Na'vi authenticity. Bitches.

When I look at that Facebook link…
I always feel I have to be the voice of reason and tell a million 19 year olds that a 90 year old woman can't do 90 minutes of live TV.

The "Speaker's Bureau" at my school had Andy Richter come speak years ago, and he spoke dryly (very dryly) for an hour about "becoming a sidekick." He was so into it, that if you chose to take it at face value, it could be taken as an informational presentation about becoming a sidekick. It was pretty bizarre. I

Probably Beyonce, then?

What Hollywood has taught me that Western Civ classes could not:
Never was there a Roman battle fought in an area with either 1. Trees that were less than 100 ft. in stature; or 2. A tree that was more than 4 feet removed from another tree.

Saw Jessica Biel sitting alone in her party-decorated pad on the TV trailer and immediately became indignant toward this movie.

Glen "Diet Taco" Bell
Was apparently more of an inventor type than a Sir-Mix-A-Lot Mexican Eatin' enthusiast. I think the restaurant was borne largely because of some fucking gadget he invented that store/held taco shells in a cozy and efficient manner. Not that the guy was anti-spiced meat and beans.

I didn't say the film wasn't racist.

Yeah, Ole Miss is a real bastard.