
I hate it when gays get all gay on ya.

Interviewing old friends usually allows them to work their way into much weirder, more vulnerable territory. I'd much rather hear him reminisce with his friends about old bits they used to do than hear him talk to another generic Hollywood Comedian type about their career or sex life. I love You Made It Weird, but I

Interviewing old friends usually allows them to work their way into much weirder, more vulnerable territory. I'd much rather hear him reminisce with his friends about old bits they used to do than hear him talk to another generic Hollywood Comedian type about their career or sex life. I love You Made It Weird, but I

Fuck any podcast that didn't put out a Halloween themed episode this week. I want to hear Paul Gimartin tell a listener that it's normal to feel resentment towards your mentally challenged daughter, but in a silly Dracula voice.

Fuck any podcast that didn't put out a Halloween themed episode this week. I want to hear Paul Gimartin tell a listener that it's normal to feel resentment towards your mentally challenged daughter, but in a silly Dracula voice.

Have you thought about cutting ties with your friends and family, maybe quitting your job and/or dropping out of school? I know it sounds like a big commitment, but it will all be worth it when you've finished plowing your way through My Brother, My Brother and Me's back catalog, trust me! BRAMBLEPELT! Haha that's one

Have you thought about cutting ties with your friends and family, maybe quitting your job and/or dropping out of school? I know it sounds like a big commitment, but it will all be worth it when you've finished plowing your way through My Brother, My Brother and Me's back catalog, trust me! BRAMBLEPELT! Haha that's one

Later he can't think of an overheard, so after much stalling he tells Dave and Graham about the time his wife called him cute back in high school. Weird guest. I still liked the episode, but he was such a weird guest.

Later he can't think of an overheard, so after much stalling he tells Dave and Graham about the time his wife called him cute back in high school. Weird guest. I still liked the episode, but he was such a weird guest.

The Pod F. Tompkast is still the greatest.
And while we're on the topic of stuff that's things, what's with Alec Baldwin's cellphone? You'd think he'd get a newer model, what with all that 30 Rock and Rock of Ages money he's got rolling in. Cheap bastard.

The Pod F. Tompkast is still the greatest.
And while we're on the topic of stuff that's things, what's with Alec Baldwin's cellphone? You'd think he'd get a newer model, what with all that 30 Rock and Rock of Ages money he's got rolling in. Cheap bastard.

"Horses are free. When you ride a horse, it’s like borrowing wings from god. Two riders, one heart is basically what I’m saying to you."
My dream is that they one day record an episode comprised of nothing but Yahoo Answers questions about horses.

"Horses are free. When you ride a horse, it’s like borrowing wings from god. Two riders, one heart is basically what I’m saying to you."
My dream is that they one day record an episode comprised of nothing but Yahoo Answers questions about horses.

*Doug Benson flips an internet table*

*Doug Benson flips an internet table*

Legend has it that if you approach a mirror in a darkened room and say "Doug Benson" just one time, he'll appear and shame you for your AVC comments.

Legend has it that if you approach a mirror in a darkened room and say "Doug Benson" just one time, he'll appear and shame you for your AVC comments.

Don't you let Doug Benson hear you say disparaging things about his podcast. He's old and his heart is brittle.

Don't you let Doug Benson hear you say disparaging things about his podcast. He's old and his heart is brittle.

Guess I'm too edgy for this crowd.
*pops collar*
C'mon, Werner, we're outta here.