
this seems as good place to shamelessly plug my weezer podcast. it's called post pink. we do an analyze phish thing, but about weezer's dark period - anything after the release of pinkerton. it's p good shit and nobody listens so listen

you did it, laughterkey. welcome to the big time

it's all the fun of watching someone play video games for an hour

nice trigger warning joke, my man

there's nothing i want to do more than watch this video and learn from scott's words, but that dry mouth noise he keeps making is driving me insane.

Live by The Flop House
Die by The Flop House

I honestly don't think the McElroy brothers are doing mbmbam for any reason other than because they love it. I don't they ever really mention Polygon or any of their other projects, or if they do, it's very rare.
I thought this episode's discussion of farmer wisdom was fucking hilarious. And I think it's odd that there

I really hope the mbmbam and Professor Blastoff guys don't take these criticisms seriously.

i don't see what's so kingdom about it

So I guess the Buck stops here

Why is cancerAIDS even a thing? Why is there no go-to insult for people who use the word "cancerAIDS?"

Spiderland by Slint
The Room
"When You Sleep" by My Bloody Valentine
Paris, Texas
@UtilityLimb/@dril:disqus 's tweets
The Time Bobby episode of Comedy Bang Bang
Space Gallery Jan. 27, 2007 / Sahara Club Jan. 28, 2007 by Big Blood
The "The Zeppo" episode of Buffy

I thought about making my sarcasm and absolute adoration of The Flop House more apparent, but I didn't feel like putting forth the effort necessary to say anything clever.

This only adds yet another level of mystery to Dingdonggate.

Fuck Elliott Kalan and his shitty voice.

Yeah, but Ricky Gervais has easily produced 4-5 lifetimes worth of smug dickishness within the past decade.

I started following @fantafun:twitter just so I can keep up with all the crazy shit Fanta says on a daily basis. Here's a great from just a couple days ago:
"Challenge: Sled down a hill with an open Fanta and don't spill any of it. RT if you accept!"

*sighs for an eternity*
40 BILLION YEARS LATER: the sun and all traces of life on earth have long since died out; all that remains is my sigh and this dumbass comment

I thought this week's MBMBaM was one of the funniest in some time. Justin should start another podcast where he just gets whacked out of his mind on zinc and rambles on about 90's teen soap operas and the like. I'd actually pay a monthly subscription to hear that.