You should really try to get here sooner.
You should really try to get here sooner.
You should really try to get here sooner.
too soon
too soon
I honestly don't think this all ends with Jesse staying in the meth business.
I honestly don't think this all ends with Jesse staying in the meth business.
Breaking Western Thing Bad
Breaking Western Thing Bad
Your mom is still a monster. Did you see how fucking rad that kid looked in the cold open?
Your mom is still a monster. Did you see how fucking rad that kid looked in the cold open?
What the hell are you talking about? He was clearly meant to fall into a pool of radioactive waste somewhere in his late teens and become some sort of bug-themed super hero.
But now the world will never see Earwig-Boy. Thanks a lot, Todd.
What the hell are you talking about? He was clearly meant to fall into a pool of radioactive waste somewhere in his late teens and become some sort of bug-themed super hero.
But now the world will never see Earwig-Boy. Thanks a lot, Todd.
What the fuck, Todd? I thought you were cool.
What the fuck, Todd? I thought you were cool.
I created another account just so I could say I created an account just so I could say I'm in favor of regular coverage.
I created another account just so I could say I created an account just so I could say I'm in favor of regular coverage.
It's so unbelievably good.
It's so unbelievably good.
Shit. I was looking forward to dancing on his adorable, little monkey grave.
Shit. I was looking forward to dancing on his adorable, little monkey grave.