Ontological Crisis

The whole "black hat white hat" thing struck me as a dig at Scandal (which repeatedly references white and black hats), but upon second listening, it definitely also had the Rust cadence going on.

In order to make his overture to allow Mitchell to veto it seem more magnanimous, so that it would seem like a real sacrifice that Cameron was making for Mitchell's benefit. I'm willing to bet he made up the arthritic thing entirely.

I've personally always been a fan of United States of Tara, but not including Game of Thrones on this list is simply egregious.

Ah, Joachim, the lesser known third Phoenix brother.

Amber Carrington's "Skyfall" is probably the best performance of the season, hands down.

The Weeping Water is a river on which the Dreadfort lies that flows into the Narrow Sea between Westeros and Essos. So yeah, she's going to go the long way around and sail up to the Dreadfort.