Beige Lunatics

No, you-sa don't.

This reminds me of the time I went to see Star Wars and instead it was some CG animated movie starring a lizard bunny thing with racist overtones.

I don't see what the big deal is. I've had to get printed when trading in games to GameStop in Michigan (no, NOT Detroit).

Also, Bill Clinton got a blowjob that one time!

I'm sorry, did that researcher imply that Leno made use of "edgy political humor"? Yes, and Michael Bay is known for his understated visual nuance and three-dimensional female characters.

I wish I had known irony was so lucrative. I make some pretty wicked chocolate chip cookies, and could use $44K.

B-Boys, makin' with the freak-freak.

I liked it, so now it has more. And thank you.

I hope the project gets funded some other way, so the tagline can be, "It's not even supposed to BE here."

BRANDON ROUTH: You know, I used to be Superman.

I got a Bang Bus notification for this?

The unanswered question here: Is he still Like Mike?

I would love a Wes Anderson comic book movie. He could do the next Green Lantern movie, with all of the ring constructs done with twee stop motion effects.

Enter the Ratner.

How do I Jeopardy discussion?

So, we can either save Sirius or win a DVD set?

Contest ends March 29th? Should that be May 29th?

"the suit explains that the defendant 'only recently became cognizant that
he has suffered psychological and emotional injuries, mental anguish
and loss of enjoyment of life as a result of the Defendants’ sexual

I don't claim to know the truth here, but it seems convenient that the 2nd accuser suddenly became aware of their psychological trauma a couple of weeks before DoFP comes out.

I don't think I can handle the irony of my 2008 browser being too out of date to download a '90s nostalgia album.