Beige Lunatics

John Cena, somehow. He moves the merch.

I loved Watchmen AND really enjoyed 300 (which I view as a kind of visual tone poem rather than a film), but I absolutely hated Sucker Punch.

I really enjoyed the Watchmen movie (and own two blu-ray versions), so point: Snyder.

Muse, "Stockholm Syndrome".

I enjoyed watching Arthur from the beginning, but it's even more fun now that I've read his own explanation of his strategies. It goes way beyond just hunting for the Daily Doubles. I'm going to be really bummed when he's not the champ anymore.

I was wondering the same thing, and knowing Fox I'm assuming their solution will be to put Kate Mara in blackface.

You guys think THIS is bad? I heard that the guy from "10 Things I Hate About You" is going to be the Joker. There is no logic in this place.

The Dred Scott whiff had me channeling Leslie Knope: "Damn it, Jerry!" I think he was over-thinking the Lincoln Tunnel answer.

I was referring to Phil's defenders' claims that his 1st Amendment rights were being violated by A&E, which was not the case. People tend to think that the 1st Amendment allows anyone to say whatever they want, without any kind of repercussions. In reality, as you pointed out, it just protects citizens from being

I was referring to Phil's defenders' claims that his 1st Amendment rights were being violated by A&E, which was not the case. People tend to think that the 1st Amendment allows anyone to say whatever they want, without any kind of repercussions. In reality, as you pointed out, it just protects citizens from being

Another major victory for the fundamental misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment! Huzzah…

I'm from Michigan; as far as I'm concerned, his work is done.

I'd love to see weekly NXT reviews.

Well, I meant more the classic ROH style of fast-paced, technically impressive matches. But I guess all the guys who were part of that are in WWE now (except Chris Hero).

Boinking? Don't you mean "playing bagpipes"?

Fair point. I was mostly referring to the quality of the wrestling, though. NXT does have a few great personalities, which makes it the best of both worlds.

The final season of GoT will take place during the events of the Red Wedding, framed by Edmure telling his kids about how he met their mother.

Seriously. Adventure Time didn't really find its groove until the 2nd season. It's like getting a big bag of jelly beans, and finding out that they're all licorice flavored.

NXT at its best is ROH with high production values. That's a good thing. It lets me get my fix of actual wrestling in between rolling my eyes at Raw and Smackdown.

Next year, Avenue Q!