
I'll bet dollars to donuts she has no role in Gotham City Sirens.

She also did a totally nude scene in the movie Heaven's Prisoner. So it's not like she is against showing them. And yes, they are real.

Special Victims Unit. He played Dr. Mike Jergens.

Definitely real from what I saw of them in the balcony scene of the movie Heaven's Prisoners.

Either way Hatcher isn't doing anything else for the next few months.

There is still Tom Welling.

Puzzled by why you don't like them.

It's great.

The scene with Cat Grant walking away with Clark Kent and Clark looking back at Kara and saying "sway" doesn't count?

Because most of the foes Oliver encounters are humans with basically the same strength and fighting skills. While the villains on Supergirl could squash James like a bug.

Lena was in the last episode before the break.

The suit seemed to be powered by kryptonite and J'onn gave Superman all the kryptonite in the world so I assume the suit no longer has a power source.

And Italia Ricci has a major role on Designated Survivor as an advisor for the President so I doubt she will be back as Silver Banshee anytime soon.

Waiting for Ambush Bug to show up and tell Supergirl she smells like spackle.

When Master Jailer was using red sun lamps to dampen Kara's powers, Kara instantly got them back when Alex shot a hole in the roof and let yellow sunlight into the room. So there is precedent to a yellow sun instantly overriding the effects of a red sun. So apparently a red sun just blocks the powers and can be

Not sure why the complaint. Harley Quinn Smith seemed adequate for the role. It's not like she had a lot of lines or was in that many scenes.

With Maggie Sawyer being on the show, having Batwoman show up would make more sense than Batgirl.

Kara did mention she was going back to her desk so I guess she does have a desk now. Wonder what became of the windowless office Cat gave to Kara though. It had a desk in it too.

Livewire was the 4th but was supposed to be the 5th.
The 4th was to be How Does She Do It but got delayed because of the Paris bombings.

Or even just drop by.