There is no safehouse in Stock

Batman V. Superman: Jawn of Jawnstice

I got a gay dean notification for this?

Few scenes have broken my heart more than Spike musing that he "ought to have known" about the hole in the world.

The beat was atrocious but I didn't think anything racial of it. It was reflective of Empire's general broadness. They took the most generic route to show she was one of the company's older artists. The Dreamcast line is 100% hilarious though.

"I don't want to die down here" is maybe Steven Amell's best line delivery in the series.

Bring back Sheriff Lobot.

How long does it take to score a goal?

How long does it take to score a goal?

Now its only a matter of time until we get a white "The Color Purple".

I'm really enjoying how this series is shaping itself. It may be somewhat sacrilege to compare it to Fringe but I think it sort of captures that show's early formula of telling small, funny stories that build the characters and team up.

You're probably right but for my money, there's nothing like a roomy, lived in, vagina.

Its funny that you mention that cause I'm pretty sure Charlie Sheen's blood also contains traces of electric sheep.

You took a silly comment and turned it into art. You also made a grown man laugh aloud alone in his home. A banner day for you Sir!

Sheen Dream
I once dreamed of a man. One whose very blood was tainted by the mighty tigress. A man whose love of life was exceeded only by his love of sweet drugs and used vagina. Was he real? Does it matter? No. No it does not.

Awesome Band Name
Archaeologists of Pop.

So What Happened To Smokey
in the Alterna-world if the island is sunk? Is he free? Does that mean all our alt-losties and the world are in grave danger?

I read a recap of it and just based off that, it sounds like one of the most entertaining hours of television this year.