Waaaay, back up there, Shredder, great comment. I almost lost my coffee.
Waaaay, back up there, Shredder, great comment. I almost lost my coffee.
That's what she said?
At the beginning of the season I had picked Stefan, could not stand Carla, and only rooted for Hosea because I live in Colorado. By the end of the season, I loved Carla (who I firmly believe is part muppet, maybe on her dad's side), despised Stefan, and was still only rooting for Hosea because of the local…
I once killed a drifter just to get an erection. Does that count?
Heh, just wait to see what comes up when it's in the 'off' position!
Calm down, it's clear that this is just a gum mishap, with some hair stuck to it. This used to happen in the locker room all the time when I was in Jr. High.
Thanks dudes!
Isn't that the city slogan?
I'm pretty sure New York City and 'vast cultural wasteland' have been compared never.
Chang has your business plan in his lunchbox.
Portland has been on a tear lately with its band output as well.
That eminem fellow seems to enjoy it a lot, and you spawned the White Stripes in the last decade or so, so we will sign an extension on Detroit until 2012.
Philly sports fans are the worst. I say that in the best way possible. They're passionate enough to throw snowballs with rocks in them or bottles at their own players. That's fucking respect.
Yes, it's true. What happens in Vegas will be told to you a thousand times by your friends when they return under the guise of 'drinking too much.' Nothing stays in Vegas except money.