Mr. Lambfries

If you're gonna take a full page ad out and fill it with Papyrus font, you don't really deserve anything from audiences.

Artist's Only from The Name of This Band Is live Talking Heads is miles above the album version.

..or are these just stock answers he's spewing out to promote the blu-ray?

What's up with the timing?
This also came out today, dude could have written it based off your interview. Same exact information just not in Q&A format.
What gives?

They are!

Please do this for every Buffy episode, I love the insight, and it's clear you are a huge fan. Keep up the good work!

Total Tina Fey moment! I was hoping Dr. Spaceman would be in the bushes.

Jacob must have touched Kates' dress
'cause that shit hadn't aged a day.

This article
was awesome and well written. I read that LA Times story first and then found this and it mirrors my thoughts so succinctly.

Is covering all her mistakes with shouting matches and it's somehow working!

Any chance
we can see the original you submitted for comparison?

I caught that kid in that shitty keanu reeves end of the world remake trash movie on an overbooked flight back from DC, next to the worst stereotype of an overweight man to have ever flown. All of it was better than that kid in that movie. Terrible.

Well it wouldn't be the first time someone forgot that.

So you're saying I should stop going over to Skeeter and Brock's basement?

Too bad
So sad.

Great stuff Seaver.

I had to help a friend stay put. Basically I went to his house and made sure he didn't load all his shit into a truck.

Only fucking Heroes can give a blind person a reason to rejoice.

And what the fuck happened to Crystal Pepsi anyways?

Watch Foot Fist and Eastbound and Down. Your life will be much motherfucking better.