
Director's Cut of Kingdom of Heaven is probably the strongest single piece of Scott's oeuvre. Don't blame him because the editors butchered his prize pig

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back. 15

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5

Congratulations on figuring out narrative criticism as of Barthes in 1968. In just a few years you might get to Edward Said and that will really blow your mind!

vertebrates emerged like 525 million years ago and the permian extinction was like, 250 million years ago

All capitalism tends toward monopoly capitalism, so yea, they are the same, stupid shit, deal w/ it

How the fuck would you make fun of Islam to begin with, white boy?

Arsenio Billingham: Stop posting, no one agrees with you, get out

No you see they're musicians. They get props for making music that is good. If they go in a defiant new direction and it makes music that is good they get props. If they go in a defiant new direction and make music that is boring (like this piece of shit) they get no props.

maybe if you're only counting americans/neoliberals as "economists"

You're wrong, Popples. The marginal utility of money doesn't stop at tens of billions of dollars in personal wealth. Right now Gates is roughly as powerful as a tinpot third-world sovereign. If he held out for an order of magnitude more money, he'd be as powerful as Roman Emperor at least.

or you could just have a second hard drive and not be a cheap ass busta

worst costume isn't doctor though, worst costume is any costume that works just as well without any effort like captain jack sparrow or heath ledgers joker

re: davey morrison: nah fuck chuck heston

big problem with mike moore is he always waitin' until problems become problems fo middle class white folk then he gits his ass in gear

why yall gotta front like you cant do bof? crack a mickeys wrap a blunt s'all good