DX Ferris

THAT is swinging out on the flippity flop!

The modern Circles of Hell are full of people involved in 1) pan-and-scan and 2) placing repeating music on DVD menus.

"It's funny because it's TRUE!"

It's called a podcast, and they're free.

I could never forgive how, after the producers made a huge deal about moving beyond the established Trek worlds, when they needed a little spark, they turned straight to the Borg.

Austrian Death Machine is so much better than AILD. This development is a real shock, not only because his Christian background, but because he has a rep — and track record — as one of the really good guys on the scene, both positive and funny.

Jane's Addiction is one of my favorite bands. I saw them in 2001/2, and they bored me to tears. I vowed never to listen to any of their reunion material.

Great interview — thanks! I think Spartacus may have done the best job ever 1) not only committing to killing major characters, but 2) replacing them with new people who were as good or better.

I thought the scene was based on Wonderland and John Holmes, and for some reason, I went into the movie absolutely certain, knowing for a fact that the main characters died in that scene. It was borderline unbearable. Nice surprise, though!

This is the Bates Motel from Earth 54, right? Psycho is still in continuity?

If ever comes a Best Prequels list, that short collection should surely feature Gods of the Arena toward the top.

I'm seriously considering not watching the finale. Nothing good can come of it. This is a good place to leave it.

Many a CD was stolen from me during college, but the theft of Ned's particularly bugged me, because I know the cat who took it just wanted "Grey Cell Green" and didn't appreciate anything else on it. Hell, if it exists, is full of CD thieves.

This Crassus cat worries me. A Roman who's not a complete smug jackass? I don't think our merry (or not) band of gladiators and slaves has met such a foe yet. Those other guys were great to hate. But Crassus… man…

"I GOT CONFUSED!"Man, one of the great disappointments in my life as a pop-culture junkie was putting in Sandler's third CD and finding out it was all songs.

"I GOT CONFUSED!"Man, one of the great disappointments in my life as a pop-culture junkie was putting in Sandler's third CD and finding out it was all songs.

"Navy beans / Navy beans / Meatloaf sandwich." Sandler's primal moan preceding "Hoagies and grinders" is a near match for Eddie Vedder's poignant wail late in Pearl Jam's cover of Victoria Williams' "Crazy Mary." The '90s live on.

Bob's Burgers has the appeal, charm & wit of the early Simpsons, when the show was still primarily about an off-center family.

They show episodes from the entire span of the super-sized "seasons." There are a few episodes I've never seen pop up — I could have missed them — but most of eps are in the rotation, including highlights like "Heart of Ice" and "Over the Edge." Each Batman show (Animated Adventures/New Adventures) appears as its own