Token Black

It was the awesome (and uncharacteristally sincere and heartfelt) episode towards the end of the 7th season where the kids take Stan to "Raisins" to help him get over Wendy, and Butters ends up falling in love with one of the waitresses there. Also, it featured the non-conformist goth kids who all dress alike, drink

"This article didn't really say too much."

Well, it certainly helped that Ansari wasn't actually in the scene.

Thank you. He may be a funny guy, but his acting is atrocious and it really stands out when they give him a genuine, heartfelt scene. Also I wish he would never, ever do that unbearable baby voice thing again.

I love this show. It's like comfort food without any of the undesireable aftereffects.

Yeah, I'm sure I wasn't the only one who knew it was gonna be a brain transplant/body switch movie very, very early into his pitch.


Yeah, especially for the first couple of seasons. Different kind of humour though. Even though bad shit constantly happens on Justified, it's generally much more lighthearted and fun in tone while BB's humour is more on the morbid end of things. Both forms work extremely well for the respective shows though.

I didn't really appreciate spammer agelessdate.com11 before, but after realizing it was more self-aware than I initially thought, I became a fan.

Yeah, we know.

I can't wait for Rabin to appropriate "non-diegetic" and shoehorn it into his apoplectic 30 Rock reviews.

These reviews are a good example of why showrunners hate television critics.

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus  Oh yeah, I don't have to read more than five articles on EW to believe that the AV Club handles promotion, and basically everything else, in a much more subtle, self-aware manner (except for one glaring instance involving the greatest band to have ever lived). I should

Never thought I'd say this, but this is an excellent For Our Consideration article.


Well said. I love the AV Club and I generally love reading O'Neal's take on pop culture news, but this is absolutely true.

I've read maybe a total of five articles on EW and found the site mostly awful (wasn't there long enough to notice the pandering), but let's not pretend the AV Club - home to Community - is above the "oh my god isn't this the greatest thing, aren't you excited for it?!" sentiment.

"How does a thief stop being a thief?"
"You start by not thieving anymore".

"It'll be a disaster domestically, but it will clean up internationally. It's an American comedy heavy on visual, lowbrow humor and sexy, perky actresses (which the foreign ads will play up).  Foreign audiences will *love* it."

You might wanna tone down the xenophobia in these comments brah. Or atleast do a little research before comfirming your prejudices.