Token Black

Yes, this comment for example.

Holy fuck, these reviews are insufferable.

"The main factor that keeps us rooting for them (the gang) is … the people they usually find themselves up against are even bigger assholes".

Actually no, it's Rubicon.

This was pretty TIGHT, TIGHT, TIGHT.

I don't understand this gimmick at all, but I love it.

Kind of buried the lede with the headline there. The lack of Breaking Bad, as everyone has already noted, is perplexing. I don't think this was BB's best season, but it's weakest episode is about a million times better than American Horror Story's (a show I happen to like) strongest in every department but

Look, what resident AV Club wet towel and sexual politics expert Nathan Rabin is basically saying is that if you're a man and another species of the same sex wants to rape you, you sure as fuck take it like a man or else you're homophobic. Is that so hard to understand?

Yo, Steven, can you stop it with the "I'm so above discussing the various facets of Lana Del Ray because I don't like to overthink things like these other critics" shit every time you make a post about her? As much as I hate those masturbatory "thinkpieces", your misplaced pride over not writing one of those

You can manually adjust the volume of a track on your Itunes. Just Right Click -> Options -> Volume Adjustment.

Holy fuck, this is an obnoxious comment even by the usually high standards of obnoxiousness displayed by Community fans on this site.

This has happened to me with American Horror Story. Except I actually liked that show. I think I might still go back to it though.

I don't think anyone on the AV Club has ever had a kind word to say about any other site on the internet except for www.bigtittays.com, but that isn't a website - it's an experience. Loving Dawes and hating everything else is what keeps us together.
Or maybe we share a vaguely similar sense of humour, and it's

The worst part of that comment (except all of it) is that dubstep was a "scene" by 2004 or so. So he's technically bragging about being into a "scene" five years after its inception.
Now excuse me while I go brag to a bunch of strangers about being into Tarantino since Kill Bill Volume 2.

@ Mohd Terrorist - Stop it. Please, for the sake of the few of us on this site who actually like electronic music, just stop it.

Yeah, not to get into the geeky overclassification of electronic genres on the AV Club, but those tracks, particularly the first one, are straight up UK Garage. Dubstep most likely would not have existed if not for 2-step or UK Garage, so I can see why he posted those tracks.

Yeah, I thought that was off as well. I mean I understand getting caught the first time, but I'd have thought Brody would've come up with a better lie than "gift for mom" by the second. Also, he should've used his powers of, you know, being her dad to convince her there was nothing fishy about the package instead of


Wow, I did not think of that at all. Good call. I thought she chose it to cover her bruises or something. The good thing about a minor detail like that is that the "real answer" (if there even is one) doesn't matter, so I'm gonna go with your version because I like it better.