Mike Bolton

Huh. According to the Wiki, Chambers married the guy Linda Lovelace said forced her into the biz.

I thought Barefoot in the Park was about a married couple, of which Jane Fonda is the female. I think that alone disqualifies the character.

@ Evil Jack… Not to nitpick your trolling, but it's Max, not Jack.

@ GON - Stone does a vertical epic a year until 12-12-12, is my understanding

Sorry, I do know how to use Wikipedia. Got it, unless you have anything juicier.

Hey Gringo, if you catch this - what happened w/ Lizz Winstead? Se was always the best correspondent on Craig's Daily Show, funny as hell.

@ P, I don't think Oriental is the preferred nomenclature.

Pull Quotes
"The film features…so much joy in… Jennifer Connely and her… big… sphere[s]" T. Robinson, AV Club

Just for the Record
Sitting at a group table & everyone making their own sushi from a big plate of ingredients is really quite fun. Obviously, the end product is not artsy sushi, but it is a good way to enjoy flavor combos you may enjoy more than others and some good company.

Ruthless People
Was a great movie.