
Par-ty down?

"Throw Me The Idol, I'll Throw You The Whip!"
"What Was Briefly Yours Is Now Mine"
"It's So Beautiful (AHhhhhhh)!!"

I'll have to make time to watch the original film now that I know it's on YouTube.

If we're really gonna hate the song itself (the band has plenty reasons of their own), then let's look at some of the lyrics.

So she's saying it's perfectly ok to txt in the theater if it's for business purposes? C'mon, Madonna, that's a weak sauce excuse. If you're so damn busy to see a movie because you're working, then maybe you shouldn't be going to the movies in the first place.


I was only admiring them, ma'am.

If it's not an image of Jesus on a tortilla, then no dice.

Jeez. I'm gone for lunch and the whole world (well, internet…well ok, this site) goes crazy!!


But I'm mad now!

The talking computer is the Manic Pixie Dream Girl?

I was thinking of male modeling!

On our local baseball SBNation site, one of the writers gave one of our players the nickname of Trogdor, which I had to look up. From there, I found it on YouTube and have watched some of the episodes online. The email bag episodes are the funniest so far for me.

I'd rather see Vince Vaughn.

I got the weirdest boner reading that Newswire.

I didn't read this review but a friend just told me about her. Listening to her voice, she reminds me of Kimbra. From what I hear, it sounds pretty good.

So now I'm getting Jett Lucas notifications?

Let the fap flow through you.

So when do we get a teaser for the teaser? Those are always fun.