

Slacker and Rushmore

She was Da Boss.

What's tree fiddy?

Lili. Lili, Lili, Lili, legs

You're a dwarf, huh?

I'm sure there's a fanfic about that.

He's back!

He's back from the dead…..with a VENGEANCE!!!!!! 

Princess Jasmine
One of the pimply faced teenagers
One of the other bar patrons at "Moe's"

It raped Homer! Oh, the humanity!    *cries*

Agreed on Cheryl.

Lisa sounding like the cat got a laugh from me. 

She knows.

I think it was Gallardo or Grotzinger.

Is Rashida Jones, Sasha Spielberg, and Emily Goldwyn going to start their own production company like Dreamworks?   I dunno, JSG or RaShaEm?

"Replace my drywall!"

I swear to God, I'll pistol whip the next guy that says 'shenanigans'!

He's a witch! Get him!

That is neat. I never heard that before.