
Just wait till they find out what Moses did. They'll be furious.

I love the way Grandpa says "horny" in that reading.

Cause she's Dirrty.

Die with a smile on your face.

“It’s like Species meets Bangbus!”

She looks genuinely happy to be in the movie.

Cause he said so!

Aw. I thought it would be this Boris Yelstin video:

The one where he said something funny? Why yes.

Well, he was a doctor, so I'm going to assume this will be medically accurate.

How are we going to save children's centers and whatnot without some sort of dance contest?

…solving sexy, sexy cases!

But they both still love you the same!

So no spinoff show of Don's biological mother?
No Sally Draper: The College Years?

No, he was born in Arizona then moved to Babylonia.

Quit crying and go back to your mummy.

My television pushed me inside a locker.

Mos Eisley had only unisex bathrooms.

Not only is O'Neal is good with the snark, he's a smooth operator.

Mmmmmmmm copypasta!