
Well, Adam West did say this on Twitter:

Ha ha! Look at Old Man Tuck Pendleton Machine!

Does anyone have change for a button?

(Entertainment Tonight Theme)

*Throws it in a pile of other discarded guitars*

Those lock ins are a bitch.

Don't cross the streams!

Jimminy Jillikers!

Did Marah dominate in the last contest? Did she bring shame to her family? How did it go?

I'm drunk right now!

Great write up, Sean.

*Tries to contain laugh*

All I know is, you can't bring me down.

I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Pfft. I don't even own an irony.

I enjoy the Disney shorts. It reminds me of watching the older Disney cartoons when I was younger. I'd like to see them branch out to the other characters.

What a time to be alive!

Turn around…

We don't want to say anything in vein.

Very nice "November Rain" reference, Avril.  For the record, you were never rock n roll.