
I didn't realize that comics heckle other comics who are onstage. If was a comic, I would watch the show, but out of respect, not heckle them. Leave that to the idiot audience members.

What about experience with shotgunning beer? Are they looking for that? I'm asking for a friend, of course.

Happy Pre-Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Lux!

You're not just representing the A.V. Club, you're representing US.

All Def Digital

Do they start their games by saying "You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best!!"?

The X (in seX)ers
The Elders

*Sony Reader throws pebbles*

Sexy factory worker.

Get a haircut, ya hippie!

(Insert duck pun here)

It's still real to me, damnit!

Is the entire family of Pepsis here at AVC?

1 Kendrick 2 Cups

*In angry Batman voice* "LET MY PEOPLE GO!"

Wait wait wait. You can date ONLINE now?!

2000 red Ford Focus

That's great.

A Christian bookstore.