
Firsts for Seconds?

Incorrect usage of "Incorrect usage of "nonplussed""

Incorrect usage of "Incorrect usage of "nonplussed""

I care because the bosses boss boss is gonna read this shit and be like 'no wonder that dumbass intern is always late for the fucking meetings hes on av club all cocksuckin day posting shit about the fucking clowns'

I care because the bosses boss boss is gonna read this shit and be like 'no wonder that dumbass intern is always late for the fucking meetings hes on av club all cocksuckin day posting shit about the fucking clowns'

This may be 5 months late but I felt I needed to tell everyone THIS IS ONE OF THE SHITTIEST MOVIES EVER MADE. Two bucks down the tubes for renting this. The whole time I'm watching it I'm thinking its gotta be some big meta double-joke on hokey/shitty/faux-sentimental movies but it's not! It just totally, totally

This is definitely paving the way for a Beckinsale driven Basic Instinct remake

How has nobody acknowledged the fact that the fucking pickle was the exact same from Burger Time? And the chicken leg was a stand in for the egg, which never made sense to me in the 90's but now that every burger joint in the world has fried egg burgers they had to come up with something even more asinine like a

I'm pretty sure its Salisbury crossed with Hampton beach

Does anyone on this site actually read a review of a tv show, especially one like the Simpsons, looking for advice on if they should watch it or not? I love the recap style because then I can relive all the great moments right here in my cube! Genius!

Are all the oedipus conspiracy freaks the same ones who wear SOA hoodies to walmart?

And in Denver we gotta scrounge up the 50k for a 'Denver the Purple Dinosaur' statue to replace the demonic man-killer horse protecting the airport.

Crust Punk Island
Is not fixed gear accessible. Also, no coincidence that it is shaped like Jamaica. Lots of dreads. And the whole thing is floating steel reserve tall boys.

Oh no wait, that Lennon

No, they are right. Lemmy should remain an obscure Airheads reference where he was god. And only there. And only with Adam Sandler and a secretary playing game gear.

There is never any venturin' bros