The Living Dead

For what it's worth, Hello Ghost is a fairly enjoyable flick…nothing spectacular, but frequently amusing and typically Korean in its approach to storytelling. Though, I do find it odd that this somewhat unremarkable K-film would be remade by Hollywood…but, I guess I should know better by now. Unless you can't speak

Yes, Japan does have a vending machine for everything (at a ratio of approx 1 machine per every 23 people). Without this, where else would a proper Japanese businessman be able to purchase his raw meat and used panties on the way home from a long day at the office?

Agreed Nomah…I liked it quite a bit too…it's definitely enjoyable if you're in the right mood to receive it.

From Dances with Wolves to this…Ouch! Goodbye Mr. Costner…it was nice knowing ya!

Corman is Awesome
I can't think of anyone in Hollywood who simultaneously deserves more love and mockery than Corman.

Sorry about your Raiders Yee Yee! I'm not a fan of theirs, but it's just not right when they're no good (or, at least menacing)…lately, they've been very far from either, and that's a shame. Cutting Jafatass was indeed a good move, so at least Al Davis isn't too senile yet to still realize when a guy's a colassal bust.

Don Nelson is/was great at taking a terrible team and creatively finding a way to make them competitive. Unfortunately, he's never been a very productive coach after he gets to that point.

Daybreakers was unreasonably boring and not good at all. I can barely even remember most the damn thing.

Seacreat, Simon, Paula, & Randy look a lot different from the way I remember them when I used to watch this sow.

Don't worry Wallflower…it's pretty clear this guy doesn't know what to do with an idea anyway.

When I was a young teen, one of my first jobs was being an aquisitions broker for a mom & pop video store. My job consisted of traveling across the country every few weeks with a fat wad of cash and an ever fatter list of VHS movies to acquire on the cheap from other mom & pop stores and/or various other sources. This

Mr. Buchinsky is correct. Except, movies with retarded babies that grow up to learn kung fu are acceptable.

Ummmmm, Who is this guy again?
I've seen several of the movies this Dano dude is credited with, and I have absolutely no recollection of him whatsoever.

I can think of no better use for an official first comment than to wish the best of luck to the Grand Dame of Hate.