
To be fair, I doubt she knew he was going to rent it out to 39 people and stick finn and jake on a ladder. The treehouse was theirs before Marceline came back and reclaimed it, so maybe she just thought he was buying it for his dad.

Neither are people purely evil or purely good either. I'm not asking for her to be a "misunderstood snowflake," only for her to have more layers than just "manipulative villain."

The biggest issue I had was the handling of Vee. She doesn't seem like a real person to me. OITNB has so much empathy with all its characters, even the less pleasant ones. So in comparison the way they portrayed Vee seems comparatively one-note. What do we really even know about her? She has issues about aging is

Me too. I really thought for awhile Korra had a chance at being one of those shows that included a gay character. They've already done storylines in the original and Korra that aren't traditionally in children's shows, and it's one of Nick's most successful series so they have some leeway. But I've pretty much all but

I still think she was the worst, rudest judge ever on the show. Ru should have stopped it right there and apologized to delta. susan's critique had nothing to do with the performance, it was literally just calling delta fat. Who even says that to a complete stranger.

Agree. I don't even get her purpose on the show. she's 20 steps behind everyone else on the show and is trying to discover things everyone else plus the viewers have known for over a season. The show wouldn't lose anything if she was gone.

Yara wearing gaga's exact outfit for the futuristic challenge and being praised still kills me. It was blatant stealing of a look.

It's been awhile, but I seem to remember that Carmen does speak Spanish or at least a bit. Alexis and Yara accused her of being ashamed of her heritage and pretending that her Spanish is worse than it is. Then Carmen turned it out in the lip sync. But it's been awhile so I may be wrong. But either way I still doubt if

IMO seasons 2 and 3 are the only seasons they hit the right notes with their villains. Raven, Mimi, Shangela and/or delta and/or Raja (YMMV on who is the villain in season 3). In those two seasons there was plenty of drama without feeling forced as it has since S4. And most importantly Raven, Shangela, and Raja were

I just have trouble believing Carmen-Yara just happened to be a spanish song for two latina queens, and that it woulda been the same for Raja-Manila. I think they get a list of a few songs (maybe 2-3) that may be chosen and Ru chooses which at the last moment.

We've exposed Oliver as Michelle Visage out of drag.

so Ben shows gowns, skirts, and even leos but wears too much of the "same," but Courtney does body nearly every week, Bianca does a similar elegant dress every time, and darienne wears sparkly mumu's every week and yet Ben gets more criticism then they for "sameness"? someone wanna explain to me? because from where

The birth scene was a great example of how Pam's craziness in small doses can be funny still when it's not the same cocaine joke over and over. Overall I thought it was a weak first half of a season then a very strong second half.

he never even got to tell jake that he loved him!

I didn't connect religious nuts at first, I thought they were a weird brand of hipsters who wanted people to know they only eat free range eggs and Non-gmo's.

I did think of Bianca too, she does have a certain kind of look she likes to go for. But she at least plays with length and not everything is sparkly. And in the challenges she mixes it up (the amazing rap look). darienne's outfits are all sparkly, all the same length, and almost all billowy. Even in the rap challenge

And jesus, when is darienne ever going to be read for going on stage EVERY week in some big, sparkly fabric draped over her? They are treating her obviously inferior wardrobe with kid gloves in comparison to how they rip into joslyn for any misstep.

Yay for regular coverage! SU hasn't reached AT's heights yet, but it's better than AT's 1st season and any season of Regular show. It's been on a hot streak since Tiger Millionaire. I've really come to love how they always rein in the plot before it gets too crazy and focus on Steven and his relationships. It's a very

My thoughts:

Also I'm in the enviable position of marathoning classic Simpsons for the first time. I watched a few before now (including this one), but was too young to watch the show in the 90s, so most of the episodes are new to me. But I'm about to finish season 8 and am starting to become terrified of the decline. (homer the