
I logged in to mention this book. It is indeed The Conversations by Ondaatje. An incredible read for anyone with even a passing interest in filmmaking and theory.

Here's what I want to know. Doesn't Kirk shoot Khan first on Peter Weller's ship? He was suspicious of Khan betraying him there, but Khan hadn't actually turned on him yet there, had he?

These look to me like ridiculously bad Photoshop jobs. (Or is my brain just resisting because blue skin is too unreal?)

Thank you!

Thank you!

What are these Kanye mixtapes that Nathan mentions in the review? I thought I knew Kanye's career pretty well but I'm not sure what he's talking about. I'd love to find out there's early Kanye material out there that I've never heard.

What are these Kanye mixtapes that Nathan mentions in the review? I thought I knew Kanye's career pretty well but I'm not sure what he's talking about. I'd love to find out there's early Kanye material out there that I've never heard.

I haven't listened to the episode yet, so sorry if it's mentioned there, but…

I calculate the total cost of those Subway footlongs to be $17.50.

"at least one terrible Jay-Z rap-ballad about trying to be a good father to come"

Woody Harrelson is Awesome
But I always pictured Brendan Gleeson in the role.

The moment where George successfully approaches the woman seems like the first moment that the show makes it clear that its universe has some rules, and that the characters within it are able to figure them out and use those rules to their advantage.

Thanks for the update! I really miss the audio-only Podcast too, which is great for jogging and such. Looking forward to its return.

Nate Dogg had a stroke a few years ago and is apparently in no condition to sing. I'm really going to miss him on Detox.

The new Ritter album has songs that sound like they could have come from Animal Years and Historical Conquests. This makes it a little less cohesive than his past albums, but individually the songs are very, very good.

Big Boi's solo album is currently scheduled to drop July 6, although that date changes often.

Screwed by Snoop
It really pissed me off to open my copy of Malice N Wonderland on release day and find an insert advertising the deluxe reissue of the album I just bought.