Prolapsed Angus

As it turns out, not so much.

I'm with you on that. I actually have the demo version of Sweetness and pretty much nothing else to do with them after Clarity. Like I said above, I think Clarity is an amazing album and I'll never stop loving Believe in What You Want or Goodbye Sky Harbor, I just love the energy of Static Prevails. And my two

I didn't think it was *that* weird of an opinion: I've seen a lot of good things said about Static Prevails. I'm not saying Clarity is a 'lesser' album necessarily, and I acknowledge it as a classic work in the post-emo canon, but the sound is just a bit too glossy for me, I think. I prefer the raw, rough-edged energy

Pretty sure I'll always think Static Prevails is their best album (and I definitely lose interest past Clarity), but maybe I should give the 2000's end of their discography another shot. This single is pretty alright.

Seems kind of weird to call SU out on its physics in this episode, when just last episode Steven was apparently sucked out of the moon base at a relativistic speed.

How prescient of you.

I'm a solipsistic, sex-obsessed idiot! This was made for me!

You could always test your fortitude with Star Crystal. I mean, if you really want to do that to yourself. If anyone asks, I in no way encouraged you. We need to be clear on that.

Well, I was interested for about six seconds when I thought the header said Jawbreaker.

My man!

I was very interested to read about the connections between punk and emo; whenever I see retrospectives and such it's generally from the emo side of the genre divide. I love this feature for tracking both and the ways in which they often intersected. My MP3 player is stuffed full of American Football, Mineral,

I realized I couldn't possibly care what Pitchfork had to say when I saw they shit all over The Get Up Kid's Something to Write Home About.


"Now, the first step of competitive place-setting, or, 'tablescaping', is making sure your table doesn't wobble."

Next Flicky's: 25,000 miles

I choose to believe that tumblr is a joke, because it's fucking hilarious. Apparently some guy is 'problematic' because he has an 'appropriated' yin\yang tattoo. I'm not even sure what that means.

I think you'll find me consistently reasonable. Almost unreasonably reasonable.

Too busy being aroused to be offended.

Flagged for being Un-American.

There's nothing wrong with being from Springfield.