
Bill, completely agree with you there. I just look at #24 as the end of Brubaker's run.

Maria and Von Trapp's Waltz
Is one of the sexiest moments in film history.

Marvel's current Oz books are great in that sense.

And Kurt Busiek's Superman: Secret Identity.

Giant Size X-Men #1, which led to a nonstop binge all the way through to Dark Phoenix. Truly spectacular superhero comics.

It's very different, and I was really liking the direction of Simone was taking the book so I was disappointed to hear the creative change. I like JMS's use of mythology, but I like my Wonder Woman regal and confident.

Yeah, Greg Land and Salvador Larocca are major offenders and they're on two of Marvel's biggest books. It just makes the figures look stiff and out of place most of the time.

We'll see if the Kick-Ass property can keep up momentum while Vaughn works on X-Men First Class. Granted, if Ghost Rider can get a sequel, anything can.

Have you tried Superman: Red Son? Easily his strongest work.

Taylor Vs. Miranda
Taylor refuses to kill anyone in her songs. Hence, less good than Miranda.

Rihanna a better vocalist than Gaga?
Hell no.

I love her
I'm gonna miss this show and Tami Taylor. I liked her more than my real mom most of the time.

Quinn was the lips…
Santana's got more soul than that. I didn't hate this episode, but I think you're right about Murphy's show not being the same as Brennan and Falchuk's. And while the show often begs you to suspend your disbelief, that's basically the whole conceit of a musical. I think these theme episodes are

Milligan/Allred X-Force is in my top 10 comics of all time. X-Statix was a pretty big step down, and it lost its way completely after they couldn't use Diana, but god damn those early issues are amazing.

Shaw's Dr. Strange story was one of my favorite bits in Strange Tales I. I have to check this out.

Millar's Superman Adventures and Red Son showed he can do solid superheroics without everyone getting raped or decapitated or both, so I had high hopes for Superior.

X-Force is a really solid mix of action, humor, and soap opera to give it a very Classic X-Men feel. There's enough room in your heart for superheroes and indie horror.

Yet they continue to let him do it constantly.

Yes yes yes.

this season's women are gone, the voters are just going to call for the cute boys because they are 12 year old girls. although i need to see jose's broke ass bboying off the show, hes abysmal compared to legacy.