Robert Greenblatt

Betty White's Off Their Rockers was created by NBC Programing Bot version 7.8. We're very proud of NBC Programing Bot version 7.8 (NBCBot on Twitter) who moniters Twitter trending topics and then creates list that we then hand to an intern to make into a show. It's a perfect system that has resulted in many of our hit

Betty White's Off Their Rockers was created by NBC Programing Bot version 7.8. We're very proud of NBC Programing Bot version 7.8 (NBCBot on Twitter) who moniters Twitter trending topics and then creates list that we then hand to an intern to make into a show. It's a perfect system that has resulted in many of our hit

Do you watch SMASH? Because everyone should watch SMASH!

Do you watch SMASH? Because everyone should watch SMASH!

Hello, I hope all you people are enjoying the fine programming that NBC offers. Such as SMASH, Betty White's Off Their Rockers, SMASH, a four hour long Today Show, SMASH, Whitney, SMASH, and SMASH!

Hello, I hope all you people are enjoying the fine programming that NBC offers. Such as SMASH, Betty White's Off Their Rockers, SMASH, a four hour long Today Show, SMASH, Whitney, SMASH, and SMASH!