jared m

let me just say, I'm on the "Christmas music is awful" side of this. But I'm downloading it anyway.

Rick Moranis
and Jamie Lee Curtis. *Shudder*

My favorite Bad Movie of all time….
…is, without a doubt, The Covenant.

1.) I think you'll find that just about anyone here is pretty much equally willing to mock other religions. For example, I doubt you'll find one person here who's not willing to stand up for that Danish cartoonist from a few years back. It's just that Christianity is the religion whose followers we are a lot

I don't know what to make of all of this:
1.) I'm going to get this out of the way and cop to having listened to the album and liked it.

or how about this:
anyone here remember when patrick dempsey was Will's closeted sportscaster boyfriend on Will & Grace?

Not to mention…
the fact that Lincoln was shot in the back of the head by a second rate actor and then spent an agonizing day dying in a cheap hotel room across from the theater. He must have been thinking about bullets really hard to attract one right in the nogin.

My 2 cents (that i got by working, not wishing)
To whoever it was who was defending the secret (I'm too lazy to scroll all the way back up there) you can't just explain away the blame-the-victim aspect of this philosophy. Either your thinking warps the universe to your will or it doesn't. You can't have it both

but what if…?
I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt, and suggest that it's further adventures in punk-rock subversion. Much like Urban Outfitters giving all of its money to the GOP, these people are praying on the desires of the filthy rich to feel like gentrified counter-culturists by selling them

I had a discussion like this with my friends after we saw it, and then an almost identical one on the internet later.

I have to agree with torrentprime here…
I was watching this movie with a friend of mine, and at one point she said "I'm having trouble telling the main characters apart."

I don't really watch the show, but it was a little surprising to read about Cowell and Seacrest's gay-panic remarks. Everything else I've ever read about the show makes it sound almost like there's some sort of homo-erotic tension between them.

the hater has hated on the most hatable of all hate-worthy targets.