
I have to say that I didn't have a problem with this movie being made UNTIL the Watertown filming and how it was handled. Then it was, fuck this guy.

Tomorrow Never Dies has one. Not sure it ranks, but it exists.

Not to bring the thread down, but my brother just had a son who only lived four days (came out at 27 weeks, never had a chance). But, I immediately thought of that monologue as I was breaking down at the news.

It's actually showing in a local small theater next week (the Brattle, in Cambridge, MA, if anyone local is interested). I'm seriously considering making the school-night jaunt into town to see it.

I made it through most of the comments, but not all, so I apologize if someone DID mention these.

Torii Wolf's "1st" (as well as the remix with Dilated Peoples) certainly got a lot of play from me this year. Cannot wait for the album.

I will confirm. It's good. Borderline great.

I loved that Frightened Rabbit record, and was sure it was getting overlooked this year. Thanks for stepping up!

Good looks with the Czarface.

And, if I have my memory correct, I believe I saw At The Drive-In open for Jimmy Eat World when Clarity was out about 15 years ago. That should probably be fact-checked, though.

There was a spell where I saw Incubus 4 times in about 19 months, continually opening for bands I really liked. Not the best run, except for the one heckler who was relentless on the singer - my two favorites were his yelling of "Shut the fuck up, Mark McGrath!" and "Put the shirt back on, Soloflex!" during those

One. Two-HOOO. Thrreee. *crunch*.

Anytime something has a timeframe of 15 minutes, we turn into the Caan/Affleck hotel employees kicking out the V.U.P in Thirteen.

If the "Last Chance Balloons" t-shirt were commercially available, I'd buy one.

We hadn't even gotten to the terms.

These are the movies (with House Party 3 - yeah, I said it) that make me miss Bernie Mac the most.
Ideally speaking, we should wear gloves when we go to bed.

I have a lot of Samsung products, which leads to constant references to "He used to bowl with the owner of Samsung."

And none of them knew who was on the $100 bill.

I really think Pacino phoned this one in.
But CINQO! DIAMANTES! is a great delivery.

And you can drop him like 3rd* period French.