
Three episodes in and we've already reached peak Heroes.

Glad they could get Chloë Grace Moretz to play the kid.

An eccentric white dude is paired with a "take no prisoner" female cop.

The only thing to take away from this series finale:

Here we go for another Dumbdumb dumb Dumb. I fell into a coma while watching last week's. Sadly, I woke up in time for this one…

What a choice Under the Dumb.

This. Stupid. Show.

Old-school 24 is really back!

This episode of How I Met Your Mother was actually pretty goo—
I mean guh—

1. The kiss was stupid. Really.

Did I just witness plot development on How I Met Your Mother?

Did they seriously just do a filler episode to slow down a plot-point of a filler storyline slowing down a filler season?!

The episode paints Hook as someone who wouldn't hurt a fly, and then he does a complete moral 180 when his brother dies (arguably due to his own stupidity)

Hook's transition from good Samaritan to evil pirate makes zero sense.

Is it wrong if I had a boner throughout the episode?

Given how they framed the ending (and stern look), it seems like the boyfriend will claim someone planted the stuff or it's Elizabeth's stash. I can definitely see him continue to play dumb.

The reaction they think I'll have after each episode:
"Oh my God! They can't end like this! This is so tense!" *squee*

This week on Alias The Blacklist, we get to meet Sydney Elizabeth's black BFF Francie [Insert Actual Blacklist Character Name] who spends her time organizing get-well house parties for Will Tippin Tom Keen.
Fortunately, she didn't run into any SD6 agents apple-eating bad guys otherwise she'd be dead and replaced by a

This show reminds me way too much of Alias (latter years).
The fiance is like Michael Vaughn, except you know from the get-go that he's a shitty deep undercover spy.
Reddington is the poor man's Jack Bristow (no offense to Spader).
There's some weird "it's all in the family" vibe going on between the leads.
Also, Isabella

Am I the only one completely lost (no pun intended) with this Neverland/Peter Pan mythology?
They're trying to explain everything with "Pan did it" and it makes my head hurt.