
You gotta love Probst for taking the show so seriously and really getting into it. I love when he calls out the players. I'm not sure where I stand on the whole throwing a challenge thing… In this case, I was just annoyed that Peih-Gee and Jaime couldn't even pretend to be trying and laughed the whole way

Yeah, I think "pretentious" is thrown around way too much. I don't see anything wrong with his explaining his piece in theoretical terms. Why is that pretentious? Is it pretentious to know things? I don't get it. He's not saying it in a "look at my canonic and fugal piece, I bet none of you know what

oh yeah
#2, I think you're right. I vaguely remember that too.

I just can't get over how much she sucks. She is mannish, Swank-ish, and just overall not believable. The "I'll bring you a program" line was just confusing. A program? She's not going to the symphony. You know she's going to eventually join the soul-collecting crew and I'm not looking forward to that day.

I thought she was South Asian. Not that it matters. I am rooting for Erin and Jesse to win. The bleached-blond hair on him was a little much, but not all that bad. I think John is the cutest but I'm not a fan of his partner Natalie and I think he already was semi-socially normal to begin with — just had

Rape Baby
You guys, I had almost forgotten about Rape Baby! Thanks, Hater, for bringing it all back. Now that his forehead has been exposed from spiky emo-ness, it does kind of put his wentzitude in perspective, as someone else said up there on the first page of the comments. And re: Rape Baby, eh, I still think

yeah, pretentious
I thought maybe he meant pretentious as well. Even still, don't think it really works as a label for that music.

I "discovered" Panda Bear through David Byrne's monthly playlist on his website… I really like him. I think it's something about the chords he uses. Then again I also enjoy listening to Bjork. So I guess I like overly precocious things? I don't really get that label.

Yes, the…..library, that's it!
I totally agree about Victoria's library comment. Nobody wants to hear you talk about how much this is NOT your world. Glad she's gone. She reminded me a lot of Dana Plato in that rock-climbing photo. Something about the mouth.
Hmm…Dana Plato, Tootie…any other Diff'rent Strokes

I take it back
I take it back — Luke is cute.

fucking comments
I almost always read the comments. And when I do, I always get filled with rage against people who insist that they have better taste than others do because of what they like, and then make gross generalizations about what type of person must possibly like something that they don't. That type of

oh and also — good call, Noel, on Courtney's almost proud comment about weighing seven pounds. I was waiting for some sort of "but this is hot in New York!" comment after she could barely lift the machete.

I think last season was the first season they didn't do the "Jeff flies away with the votes" thing — am I right? I love that part, it's hilarious.

I miss Griz.
I do.

come on
Ashley was pretty annoying, but how great was it when she straight out said "I'm voting for Dave."

-"What's mopery?"

hot geeks
I actually didn't see Luke as that hot actually.

on last week's comments someone said Nicole was blogging about the show — what's the link?