
Salman, I’ve written this melody for your words, and I think it might be one of the best things I’ve done.

Making Achtung Baby is the reason we're here now.

Hello! Hello!

I remember watching Kurt come through and thinking, ‘God, this music is nuclear. This is really splitting the atom.’ They raised the temperature for everybody. Manufactured pop never looked so cold as when that heat was around. Nirvana made everything else look silly.

U2 has been on the verge of irrelevance for the past 20 years. We made some great work, I hope, along the way, and on occasion, faux pas.  But this moment now, where we're at, for me, feels like really close to the edge of irrelevance.

Michael Stipe's friendship means more to me than I can ever tell you.

U2 has been on the verge of irrelevance for the past 20 years.

We pay millions and millions of dollars in tax. The thing that stung us was the accusation of hypocrisy for my work as an activist.
I can understand how people outside the country wouldn’t understand how Ireland got to its prosperity but everybody in Ireland knows that there are some very clever people in the

My understanding of the Scriptures has been made simple by the person of Christ. Christ teaches that God is love. What does that mean? What it means for me: a study of the life of Christ. Love here describes itself as a child born in straw poverty, the most vulnerable situation of all, without honor. I don't let my

Edge's genuine genius developing on the blank and bleached photographic paper… avoiding all the obvious blues scales that blind every other guitar player that ever heard Led Zeppelin …The Edge finds some new colours for the spectrum of rock. Colours he now owns … owning a colour, wow .. imagine owning the colour

Zooropa was our attempt to create a world rather than just songs and it's a beautiful world. The opening was our new manifesto and  the audio equivalent of Blade Runner's visuals. If you closed your eyes you could see the neon, the giant LED screens advertising all manner of ephemera.

Edge is almost embarrassed about being a guitar player because he wants to sound fresh.

I think that love stands out when set against struggle. That's probably the power of "War" in a nutshell.

I want my work to be both trashy and precious at the same time.

U2 is not a punk band, but there's this kind of violence present in our music.

Madonna's music is a little off the shelf for me, but it's almost like the lack of personality in the music heightens the personality in her voice.

Nothing to see here
Move right along folks. Nothing to see here.

Dear Phil
You're a great musician, a great drummer, a great spirit.

Jesus is the man for me
I've always said religion is when God leaves the room. Jesus is God entering our realm and mixing the sacred with the profane. Martin nailed this concept (no pun intended). Here is the man. The Man. Skin, flesh, bone, heart, and soul.