
And if the mountain should crumble
Or I disappear into the sea
Not a tear, no not I

You don't become an 'artist' unless you've got something missing somewhere. Blaise Pascal called it a God-shaped hole. Everyone's got one but some are blacker and wider than others. It's a feeling of being abandoned,cut adrift in space and time-sometimes following the loss of a loved one. You can never completely fill

All artists live off faith. You hear a note but have to have the faith that you will hear the next one. Or tell you where to find the next note.

I hope after listening to our new long player a few times, you’ll understand why it took so long. We really went there… it’s a very, very personal album. Apologies if that gets excruciating… actually, I take that back. No apologies if it gets excruciating. What’s the point in being in U2 if you can’t go there?
There is

I don't know. I just — I don't know if I want to be in a rock band in my 60s. My attitude is two crap albums in a row and you're out. So, I mean, I don't know how long we'll go. But I'll tell you one thing, it's much harder to be relevant than it is to be successful.

"Stuck in a Moment" is a row between mates. You're kinda trying to wake them up out of an idea. In my case it's a row I didn't have while he was alive. I feel the biggest respect I could pay to him was not to write some stupid soppy song, so I wrote a really tough, nasty little number, slapping him around the head.

If you give a pop star a shit pile of dough and he refuses to self-destruct, I think it is a bit wet. I think it's part of the deal. If they don't die on a cross by 33, I'd ask for your money back.

We live on a small rock in the North Atlantic and we would be underwater were it not for very clever people working in government and in the Revenue who made tax competitiveness a central part of Irish economic life. And that’s the reason we have companies like Google or Facebook – and indeed I helped bring those

I consider Passengers to be pieces of soundtracks for films that don't exist. It feels like it's been set on the bullet train in Tokyo. Every record has a location, a place where you enjoy listening to it, whether that be a bedroom or a club, well this record location is a fast train. It's slo-mo music though. But it

I may sing from a very private and intimate place and I make art but I’m tough-minded and I’m intellectually rigorous, I hope. I think U2′s tax business is our own business. And I think it’s not just to the letter of the law it’s to the spirit of the law.

I have very sensitive eyes to light. If somebody takes my photograph, I will see the flash for the rest of the day. My right eye swells up. I've a blockage there, so that my eyes go red a lot. So it's part vanity, it's part privacy and part sensitivity.

I thought 'pop' was a term of abuse, it seemed sort of insulting and lightweight. I didn't realise how cool it was. Because some of the best music does have a lightweight quality, it has a kind of oxygen in it, which is not to say it's emotionally shallow. We've had to get the brightly coloured wrapping paper right,

Coldplay are such an extraordinary band with such song writing talents. I think Chris Martin is one of the most important melodists since Noel Gallagher, since Ray Davies, since Paul McCartney. He's in the line of great British melodists.

Fat-Man: Turn Off The Pyloric Valve

My daughter Eve is in this. If the daughter of Bad Company's drummer can get a gig then mine can too.


Oh, THAT Bleeding Edge.  Nevermind.

There's this image of the 'overground'. It was a time when everyone was all indie and grey and dull—the 'underground'. The overground was like coming out into the bright light of a modern city. It's an amazing place to be, walking around these modern cities like Houston or Tokyo. And the idea was coming out into that,

achtung bebeh

I don't mean to boog ya.  Ok Edge, play the blues!