
I absolutely LOVED Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts, but Until the Dawn Heals Us sounded overcompressed, flat, and in need of editing. After my huge disappointment with Until the Dawn, I passed on Saturdays = Youth. So my question is this: is the new album more like Dead Cities or Until the Dawn? Is S=Y a

not being snarky, you just really can't go wrong with anything they released. it really is all good.

considering they only released 2 albums, and both are stone cold classics, i say you get one of them, and if you like it, get the other. or just go whole hog and get the 4 disc Heart and Soul set of pretty much everything they recorded, including Peel sessions and some live shows.

earlier today i had the Biebs playing in one tab (by accident) and this http://www.youtube.com/watc… playing in another. it kinda blew my mind.

ack, change Doll's house reference to A Game of You.

@ Per Gunt: I LOVED the Cereal Convention also. Which gets me to something this Primer kind of overlooks - some of the best stuff in Sandman is incredibly dark. The Cereal convention, the diner scene in the first book, Thessally's scrying the the face in Doll's house, the horrors of Season of Mists (which, along with

RIP Peter Steele
an icon, one of my first true metal heroes. too young, dead at 48.

Peter Steele. 48 is too young, and he had recently cleaned up.

I thought what I'd do was,
I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes.

honestly I love Boris, but I can see how people wouldn't like them for exactly the reason WolfmansRazor notes. they release tons of albums and various versions of albums in different regions, and sometimes the alternate versions are nothing like the "originals." but check them live if you get a chance, they always

I concur, but Battles isn't really "electronic" music. anyone know when they are releasing a new album? anyone else give Tyondai Braxton's Central Market a listen? pretty great holdover IMO til the next Battles release.

ok in my book
I saw Matt & Kim on that Colt45 tour and they won me over. At the time i wasn't really a fan of their music, but my girlfriend was and there was free Colt45. Anyway, we were hanging out before the show drinking our Colt45's and having a cigarette in the parking lot when Kim just comes up and chills with

and also i am not anti-capitalist, it just really really frustrates me when I see individuals acting without regard to the system and context within which they exist and ignore how their actions can reverberate and affect that same system and context. It is the worst form of hubris and is incredibly destructive, but

vet, I see where you are coming from, but I have to disagree. The special producers of society, in this case bankers and financial analysts, were given free reign to do their job as they saw fit and instead of acting in a way that benefits them and keeps the system sustainable, they acted upon their self interest to

gee vet, it's simple. that is an act of "rational self interest" that avoids any sense of responsibility to another (remember, altruism is bad) as the special producers of society take from everyone else to fulfill their rampant self interest. who cares if it breaks the system, they were following their objective will

can both Will.I.Am.Not.Cool and Dirty Sanchez Hilton both just get locked up for being culture destroying douchebags?

Templar wine?
I remember reading about MJK starting this vineyard a few years back and the artiicle mentioned that he was trying to make Templar wine. Something about the pH of the soil at the spot he found in Arizona matched the soil pH at the site that some archeologists believed the Knights Templar had a vineyard.