Archbishop of Krejci

"Could be a potato" - types a white man wearing a John Riggins jersey wearing a pig nose on his face.

Most coming from Tight Ends.

A friend of mine went to Lambeau for the Giants game. He posted a picture of a Bloody Mary garnished with a bratwurst that was bigger than a 12oz bottle of beer. Is that peak Wisconsin?

Right. It's more the Carson Palmer rule than the Brady rule.

It's now 32. Mazel tov!

No. You will only get Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and maybe one about Panathinaikos B.C.

Just 22 men celebrating each other's strength.

This is why I enjoy Martin Cruz Smith's Arkady Renko as a protagonist. He's only good at figuring things out, and sucks at just about everything else.

Ooh Ooh Help Me Dr. Zaius!

While it does, since this year the only thing Dylan has released was a cover album, and the Baby Boomers are the worst generation, that shouldn't take away from Dylan's influence and depth as a poet.

There was a comment on the AV Club a few years ago. A commenter was sitting in a movie and recognized the actor who played Dr. Beardface. The commenter exclaimed "It's Dr. Beardface." And from the quiet a few rows back, another audience member said, "It's Beardfahcey, dammit."

Christopher Meloni as the puppet crazy pediatrician. That was genius.

You get all the Favres

My joke when that album was released was it was the only evidence in existence that someone had been inspired by John Kerry. "Last to Die" comes from a quote that a young John Kerry made when testifying before Congress against the Vietnam War.

They don't make friends with salad.

They're all a bunch of townies from Cow Hampsha.

"You are hearing me talk." - Al Gore

Where have you been?

"Take this Square Dance"