Then obviously your friends do not care about your well being. Ha!
Then obviously your friends do not care about your well being. Ha!
It's like if Teti were a guy who rooted for the Lions in the NFC and Browns in the AFC. Of course that person probably would be dead from either alcohol poisoning or a mercy killing by concerned friends.
This is why I enjoy every year when Bill Belichick proposes that all calls should be eligible to be reviewed.
I've been to Wisconsin. It could be both.
HEY IT'S ENRICO PALAZZO! (You are needed in an earlier conversation)
You can't say no to Spring Byington.
Come on where's the Enrico Palazzo AV Club Commentator Guy? This is his moment in the sun!
As a NHL season ticket holder, I'm exposed to the Canadian anthem a lot. I like to taunt my Canadian friends "When you sing the line, 'Stand on Guard for thee', the thee means the US, cause of our advanced radar sites during the Cold War. Right?" Sometimes being the American can be fun!
I think "Kindly Parish Priest who has a lovable drinking problem."
You could, but Cheese was Prop Joe's nephew, and it's not like he could pop a cap in his ass, and not hear about it come Thanksgiving. And seriously, Joe was blind to Cheese's duplicitous ways, else Cheese would have been one cadaverous motherfucker, much like Tywin has his blind spot to Jamie and Cerceis twincest.
Prop Joe is the most Tywin Lannister like. All business. Ruthless. Blinded to his family. Except none of Prop Joe's underlings were likeable enough to match to Tyrion, Jamie or Cercei.
Odd fact several days after you all have stopped reading, but if you watch NHL games, all of the center ice red lines have different patterns to them. This is a hold over from the black and white TV days to distinguish the red line from the blue line on close up shots.
I'm a Millennial who likes NCIS. I find the shows to be generally well written, playing off the chemistry of the cast. It's not a deep show you have to watch intently, but is generally satisfying to those who do. Also while it has a military centered focus, it's not always in a rah-rah way. I just watched a later…
I was at Disneyland recently and the under-emphasis of the Duck part of the empire was disheartening.
No Donald Duck? - "!(&#*!#(*&@#%)@#$()#!@!)(!*@#)(*#$"
So you are telling me they will still be running shuttle bus service from Wellington to Oak Grove after the apocalypse. Good to know.
If only they were forward-passing. HA!
The green of those uniforms, gives the NFL will be able to project moving advertising on the players themselves via green screen technology.
Great Googly Moogly