And the laundry. Don't forget the laundry!
And the laundry. Don't forget the laundry!
Agreed. I'm a Pats fan, and we are the worst. I went to the Kansas City Monday Night debacle last season. My flight back to Boston was filled with other Pats fans and a number of recognizable faces from the Boston sports media. Holy crap, the people who kept going up to the media types to bitch about the team were the…
People like winners. But also Brady is from the Bay Area, so you there is some cover for Bay Area Pats fans who aren't from New England.
I think it's an equal and opposite reaction to those who took the now retracted "11 out of 12 footballs were 1-2 lbs below regulation" at face value. No one comes out of Ballghazi clean.
I susbscribe to the lazy fan theory. To get into football, you really need to only dedicate 20 days a year. (The day your team plays). Hockey and Basketball is about a 100 days (including playoffs) and baseball can be close to 180 days (if your team goes to the World Series).
Yeah. I'm not getting the superiority of the product. In the NFL you get the best competing against the best. In college football you get a seriously diluted talent pool, more subject to the whims of scheme rather than ability, plus the entire moral issue of colleges and the NCAA making millions off of below scale…
1.) So thrilled that Block and Tackle is back.
2.) My best friend and I are season ticket holders to 2 out of the 4 Boston sports teams. One of our favorite bits is when one of us interjects into the conversation in a manner as droll as possible and intones, "We're gonna learn a lot about these two teams"
You have a valid point. Though I view it is as three issues on why I'm not a spotifier.
For a Master's Degree, you have to translate "Yellow Ledbetter"
His name is Judge. His name is … Judge. Tetracycline should not be administered due to allergies
Achtung Baby
For me it's that bass line.
After The Hives, they were one of the few bands from that time period whose music I not only liked, but actually was excited to see perform live.
"Get off my lawn." -Nostalgic 35 year old, too cheap to spring for Spotify Premium
I would have also accepted "Grow up to be A Marquis de Sade."
I believe the correct term is "Chiens de Poussay"
This entire thread is repetitive and redundant. Let me repeat, this entire thread is repetitive and redundant.
It's like a sore dick. You can't beat it. …Wait. It is a sore dick.
I remember that summer going to see Clones three times in the theaters (I was dating a Star Wars obsessive). To change it up, we went to see Road to Perdition. Walking out of that movie I'm go "I'd rather have seen Clones again."