Archbishop of Krejci

I read the scene differently. The focus of Tywin's offer wasn't Tyrion. It was Jamie. Tywin used the threat of Tyrion's death to get Jamie to accept dismissal from the King's Guard and to become the Lord of Casterley Rock. Tyrion was just a pawn in his father's game. I honestly don't think Tywin cared either way about

Tyrion didn't reject it. He was going to accept, BUT then Shae testified.

There has been little to no change in ratings compared to this season and last season. (Last night's episode isn't in yet.)

But he's still a juvenile dragon. He acts on his instincts. He flew in to protect his mother, and attacked only when she or he was threatened. Which makes sense for how an intelligent but not sentient animal would react. He would need human guidance/training to become a true weapon.

I think that's highlights the central point of Dany's storyline since their birth. If she wants to rule, she needs to learn how to weaponize her dragons. His "moment" with Dany shows a connection, but since he's a dragon and not human, he doesn't think strategically.

But he didn't give that way out to Tyrion. Tywin told that to Jamie who with much cajoling passed the the message along, or at least the gist of it. Tyrion trumped the deal by calling for trial by combat, and Tywin seemed pretty gleeful to proclaim Tyrion guilty when The Mountain fell Oberyn.

The last shot of the episode was Tyrion staring at Drogon flying away in complete and total slack-jawed awe. If you can't read the depth of Tyrion's world changing (his cynicism dying, as Weiss and Benioff put it) from Dinklage's face, then I don't think there's any hope for you.

Some thoughts.

I wouldn't dismiss Joffrey to simply being a product of incestuous union. Incest while terrible, doesn't seem all that awful when limited to one generation. It's when you have multiple generations of inbreeding where things get whacky. (Check out Charles II of Spain). Even in the world of GoT, incest doesn't seem too

So something can't slow burn over several years? Have we completely lost the ability to pay attention?

There's a different between lust and affection.

I told this before in another Calvin thread, but growing up the family subscription to the Boston Globe was in my grandfather's name. Every summer he and my grandmother would spend three months at his boyhood home in Nova Scotia, having the Globe sent to Canada. My grandmother dutifully would clip out Calvin and

In the teaser for next week they show Jorah, Daario and Tyrion hanging out in the throne room. Any one else get the Homer hanging out with Civil War Reenacting Monkeys after the demise of the Stonecutters vibe?

Fly Big D, Fly

As we say here, "Lynn, Lynn, City of Sin. You never come out the way you went in…THAT'S NO MOON"

Save for maybe, "You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome" none really stood out to me in that way a "Yippe ki-yay, Mother fucker" or "I'll be back" did. Something that gets caught up in the pop culture zeitgeist. Like in 20 years, if I say "You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome" will it be instant recognition? I

I hope this is Stalag 17 reference.


Kick it Rockapella?

That was like what? 5 lines? Seriously the only thing that keeps me from pushing Fury Road into the Die Hard Class of Action movies is the lack of memorable lines.