Archbishop of Krejci

Not to be overly critical of you specifically Overthinkier, but I'm always surprised at the lack of patience of viewers and readers alike. This is a complex story that sprawls and takes a while to build. From some perspectives Dany's entire story line in Essos has been a slowdown, from the moment the dragons were

Honestly, I don't think it's that much of a problem because the showrunners do a good job of building beats and character moments. It seems like when The Wire switched gears from the Barksdale crew to the Stanfield crew as the main dealers. If the show is properly written and shot, you get these beats that make you

"All Climax from Start to Finish" - Which happens to be the words of Pod's branch of House (of) Payne

Pats fan here. That's faulty logic in my book, mainly because of score effects. At half it was 21-7. When leading a team's best strategy is to milk the clock as much as possible, running and only throwing high percentage passes. Also you could argue that a softer ball, is easier to grip meaning less chance of

And please for the love of god don't under-inflate footballs.

Nah. That corner gets more TV exposure. The 16-0 one is a hard angle for TV. Maybe when they get to 6 or 7 and that corner runs out of room.

That's my gut feeling too, but I have this weird feeling there might be some obscure rule about kicking the ball away or something. Maybe I'm just confusing it with the "advance the ball forward on a fumble rule."

Sorry Pops.

To quote Bill, "It will be what it will be."

Not really a diversion. The Pats did what they did and I accept that. The hatred and attention is validation really. Most of my life as a fan, the Patriots didn't matter. Now in the middle of May, they can inspire tens of thousands of thought pieces and sharply divide the country. The Patriots now matter in the NFL,

Using Teti's philsophy, I'm actually enjoying these kinds of rants now. This guy wasted however long it took to type this to address something that will not change, nor really matter in a few years.

Yes. Harmon was asked that question after the SB. I can't find the quote but it was basically he jumped to avoid hitting the receiver on the ground (since it appeared to him to be incomplete). That could have been an unnecessary roughness penalty.

Though at least they kinda hide the banner in the corner of the stadium. Note how it's nowhere near the three (soon to be four) Super Bowl Champion banners.

Actually, wouldn't Roger be the bottom in that relationship? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Just don't read the New Yorker satire piece that suggested that Brady's punishment should be a year on the Jets.

Only if you went to Boston College.

Actually I don't mind a suspension. Pats have the early bye week. He is 37, so any rest for him means he's fresher for January and February. Also he'll be pissed off.

As a Patriots fan, I'm guessing this site was started by a Pats fan. But still it makes some interesting cases about other franchises.

Yes. The man once said that the whole point of what he does it just to get off. You can't sum up the meaning of life more simply than that.

Deflategate is great because it means we get Bonus Block & Tackle.