Archbishop of Krejci

Behold the duck.
It does not cluck.
A cluck it lacks.
It quacks.
It is 'specially fond
of a puddle or pond.
When it dines or sups
it bottoms ups

I like the name Indiana. We named the dog Indiana.

C'mon son.

I called ahead and made an appointment.

Also, I forgot to add, that the Cup is presented to the players who actually earned the victory. The first person from the winning team to touch it is the team captain. MLB and NFL give it to the owners first.

The Cup has 5 bands of names. Each band fits 13 teams. When the bottom band is filled, the oldest band is removed and enshrined in the Hall of Fame in the display with the original bowl, and a new blank band is added. The Cup thus remains the same size.

What makes the Cup so special is that there is only one that gets passed from victor to victor. (Okay there are really three, but only one is used.) Thus the sense of history that is passed on from Champion to Champion is pretty cool. See that Cup Dustin Brown is lifting? Bobby Orr lifted the same one. Wayne Gretzky

Edwards is actually a fantastic play-by-play guy in terms of describing a game. He's professional and descriptive of the action, for the most part.

I view Lynch's act in the same way I view Belichick's post game press conferences, performance art of the highest caliber. Obviously Belichick has to be a bit more effusive in his comments, given the difference in responsibility of a coach vs a running back, but keeping that in mind, both men's antagonistic approach

It's odd, but as a New Englander, I can't remember the last time anyone chanted "Yankees Suck" at a sporting event in a long time. (And I go to a lot of games.) There's no heat in the rivalry anymore. Both teams are in transitional phases, and most of the hated players have retired. (The only player left from

This will always be my favorite SkyMall item.

I get to jet off to Raleigh-Durham in a month for business, and I can't wait to drop that line on all my social medias.

Hey! It's Enrico Palazzo!

I've viewed this as similar to a baseball phenomena. The rule is that a batter must be completely in the batter's box. So what does the first batter of every game do? Wipe out the back line of the batters box, and every subsequent batter then gets into a spot that is comfortable for them, that may or may not be in the

I prefer Deadspin's use of the term Ballghazi. I think it's a more apt reflection of the collective hand wringing by commentariat.

I didn't read that quite as pleasure. That seemed more like accomplishment. It didn't seem as visceral to me as the other two scenes I mentioned.

Hector nails the beauty of Marlo and why I enjoy the Marlo storyline almost as much as Bell-Barksdale: his ruthless economy. Rewatching the HBO redo, what struck me about Marlo was there was no emotion in his game. Even when Omar escapes. The only time you see any flash of emotion is in the "My name is my name" speech

Bomer does have the right profile…

Bono's guitar playing has been a constant joke within the band. I remember hearing a radio interview with Edge openly mocking Bono with something to the effect of "Bono gets confused because a guitar has six strings, and he only has five fingers."

Fantastic point.